Message from News and Buzz Editor

Emily Ko | She/Her/Hers | Seattle, Washington 

May 20, 2020

Sixty. That’s the number of registered temples and churches in the Buddhist Churches of America (BCA). There are temples and churches from the West to the East Coast, and for many of us, we have not visited all of them. Although it is not too surprising we have not visited all sixty temples and churches, it is surprising how disconnected the youth programs are across state borders.  

The week before my senior year, I met up with some Youth Advocacy Committee (YAC) friends down in Fresno, California for their annual Volleyball Mixer. I have cousins who live in Orange County, so I knew there were Buddhists in California but did not know there were so many Buddhists. It was a shock not only because most of the attendees were extremely good at volleyball, but I also realized how disconnected California and Washington youth were. From my trip, I knew I wanted to improve unity within the Buddhist community. 

The goal of the News and Buzz column is to bridge the gap amidst the sangha across BCA by sharing events and news of youth organizations and inspiring young adults. I see the News and Buzz column as a place of collaboration by connecting youth organizations and exchanging ideas (e.g. spaghetti fundraisers, retreats, tournaments, mixers). 

If you want to share some News and Buzz, we would love to hear from you! Anything from writing to videos is encouraged. We are all part of the Golden Chain, so let’s start connecting together!


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