Trying The Rock's leg day workout

By Derek Tahara | He/Him/His | Mountain View Buddhist Temple

If you know me, you know I love staying active and physically fit. There’s just something about getting stronger and feeling good physically and mentally that’s satisfying to me. Seeing the changes the body goes through after working out, eating a healthy diet and getting the proper rest, is fascinating to me. I believe that if you feel good physically, you’ll feel just as good mentally.

Recently, I’ve been a little obsessed with training and growing my legs, specifically my quads and hamstrings. I’ve been doing “leg days” twice a week now for the past couple of weeks. The reason being is not just to get a strong base, but also to feel stronger. 

Yesterday, I did a leg day, but not just any leg day - I tried one of Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson’s leg days. My legs hurt after the workout and now a day after, my quads and hamstrings are a little tight.'

The Rock’s leg workout goes like this: leg extensions, four sets of 20; lying hamstring curls, four sets of 12; Romanian deadlifts, four sets of 12; hip abductors, four sets of 12; hack squat machine, four sets of 12; seated calf raises, three sets of 25; standing calf raises, three sets of 25; leg press, four sets of 20; and finishing with walking lunges, four sets of 20. 

I think I will incorporate his workout into my routine. It will take time to grow my legs and see the changes I want to see, but it’s all about the work I put into it, whether that’s eating more with my protein intake increased, or lifting heavier. I’m excited to see what lies ahead.  

Having a stronger lower body will help me move better in everyday life, and hopefully will benefit when I play basketball and participate in other physical activities I enjoy doing.


Gratitude for my Mom


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